Tuesday, November 24, 2009

School Of Athens - by Raphael

Art can mirror the society of the Renaissance period because it shows how people lived and what they did during the day at school. This painting was drawn by Raphael during the Renaissance. This picture undoubtedly shows knowledge because it is a painting representing a school. Within this artwork, there are two sides of thinking; the logical thinking and the scientific thinking. This painting also uses a lot of artistic techniques that were developed during the Renaissance such as vanishing point, anatomical accuracy, focal point, proportion, perspective and foreshortening. Most of the people in the painting are wearing tunics and robes representing the clothes of the Renaissance period. This painting, “The School of Athens” by Raphael manifests various elements that were mainly from the Renaissance.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

If I were part of the painting??

If I were part of the painting 'The School of Athens' I would be one of the students who is getting education and doing experiment with Archimedes at the right bottom corner. In this painting, he is sitting right next to the experiment looking very excited about the science experiment. Like the student, I like science especially experiment and like to learn something new that I didn't know before. Furthermore, I don't know whether this student share the new discoveries from the experiment I like to share them with others and get some new thoughts and variety opinions about the experiment. This student doesn't show any other traits or characteristics but I can see that he is one of the most intelligent apprentices of Archimedes. This is one of the reason I chose him, too. When someone teaches something very impressive and stunning news and discoveries I respect them a lot and want to serve as my true teacher. Ultimately, I hope as I study on everything not only science and pay close attention that I don't know, I believe someday somewhere in my life I will be able to taste the true success.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Being audience is the best

If I were to be a part of the painting I would like to be one of the audiences standing at the backside of Jesus. This is because I neither like to be too famous and outstanding nor such poor people as servant. Living too wealthy is sometimes very dangerous due to thievery and assassination, and living a poor life has no respect from other people and there would be no fun in life. Therefore, I want to live life very peacefully and steady until I die. Another reason why I chose the audience is because I don’t want to be the one who is involved in such big situation as Pilate. For example, in airport, when a strange person approaches to me saying, “Can you hold this for me?” or “Could you put this into your bag because my stuffs are overloaded?” I would ignore right away and don’t even look back because I don’t know what is inside that stuff. (This is common sense that should never accept that kind of request, especially in airport because you can be put to death if it is a drug.) Ultimately, in my opinion, being not too outstanding and being normal is the best idea because in some cases being outstanding is not good and comfortable.