Wednesday, September 23, 2009

“How are you a participant in your destiny?”

Although we are all same human, we all have different characters. As I get older and be more mature, I found out my charateristic, which is patient.The reason why patient me participate in my destiny and fully success it is because without it I can easily make a mistake and miss some essential things that are very significant. Furthermore, patient is like a solution when I come across difficult problems because it provides me some time to think cautiously about them and make enlightened decision without hurry as well as pressure. Also, I constantly notice myself working for hours on challenging assignments and finally finding a satisfying resolution to it because of my patient. Therefore, with patient, the higher chance to accomplish and overcome the promblems. And, in the future when I face way difficult obstacles then now, I will still possess patient no matter how challenging it is. Ultimately, I truly realized in my life that as I wait and wait, the right will come for you to achieve it.

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