Friday, September 25, 2009

Without Patience, nothing is successful

Auguste Rodin:Thinking Man

Patience sits in a stool, waiting for her turn, though not quiet as I wait.
Adorned with tolerance and abundant in persistence,
He says, “I’m waiting for you forever”

In the Alchemist, Santiago faces numerous obstacles in his journey and overcome them to pursue his destiny. In most of difficult situation, Santiago is required to be patient, which means wait until the right time come. From beginning to the end of his journey, without patience he would have abandoned his dream whenever he faced harsh on his journey. However, he got over all of the tough obstacles, and he could finally achieve his destiny. As an evidence, when he got rubbed after only a few days he started off his journey, he did not give up. He decided to work in a small crystal shop for about a year and retrieve all of his possession, which shows his great patience. Ultimately, this experience become a good start off of his journey, which leads to success. In short, without patience, everyone can not accomplish or success in any works they do.

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